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Eat Pringles, get smarter
Procter & Gamble to introduce fun facts, Trivial Pursuit questions printed on each chip.
May 20, 2004: 11:01 AM EDT
By Parija Bhatnagar, CNN/Money staff writer

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Eating potato chips can make you smarter -- really!

Procter & Gamble (PG: Research, Estimates) is getting ready to launch new Pringles potato chips this summer that will have multiple-choice trivia questions printed on each individual chip.

P&G expected to launch Pringles Prints next month.  
P&G expected to launch Pringles Prints next month.

The new brand, called Pringles Prints, will feature jokes, fun facts and animal facts such as "How fast can a dolphin swim?" or "How long is an alligator?" printed in red and blue food coloring.

Jennifer Becker, spokeswoman for P&G's Pringles brand division, said Pringles Prints will launch in stages, with the first batch expected in stores in the next couple of weeks.

Separately, in August, the company will launch Pringles Prints that will feature questions from toymaker Hasbro Inc. (HAS: Research, Estimates)'s Trivial Pursuit Junior game.

"Each chip in the canister will have a unique question," Becker said. "No question will be duplicated." Altogether, the chips will feature 2,400 questions.

"This is a very exciting opportunity for us. Pringles invented the stack chip category over 30 years ago. We developed new technology that would enable us to keep innovating and give our customers something that is different and exciting," Becker said.

The trivia chips also mark the first-ever Procter & Gamble food product with print on it.


"The coloring is FDA approved and will not alter the taste of the chip," said Becker. "The options for us are endless with this innovation. We may introduce new colors down the road or even chips with images on them."

According to market research firm ACNielsen, the Pringles chips brand generates approximately $1 billion a year for Procter & Gamble, whose other brands include Tide detergent, Crest toothpaste and Pampers diapers.  Top of page

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