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No COMDEX computer show in 2004
Ailing trade show will get an overhaul in cooperation with tech industry officials.
June 23, 2004: 7:00 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - COMDEX, originally slated for Nov. 14 in Las Vegas, will not take place this year to give organizers time to overhaul the event, the computer trade show's organizer said Wednesday.

A statement from the event's organizer, MediaLive International, said a show will definitely take place in November 2005, and that the show was being revamped in cooperation with tech industry officials.

"While we could still run a profitable COMDEX this year, it does not benefit the industry to do so without broader support of the leading technology companies," Robert Priest-Heck, MediaLive CEO said in a statement.

"In order to give the advisory board the time and opportunity necessary to partake in the redesign of COMDEX, we thought it best to postpone this year's show," he said.

Once the biggest of the technology industry trade shows, the international versions of COMDEX will convene as planned in Brazil, Korea, Saudi Arabia and Greece.

MediaLive has created an advisory board to determine how COMDEX can be restructured to increase participation and stay relevant within the industry.

The board includes executives from Microsoft, Intel, Oracle, Samsung, Cisco, Dell and Advanced Micro Devices, MediaLive said.  Top of page

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