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Dress like Anna Nicole Smith
Called 'Anna Nicole,' the new clothing line said to be inspired by her inimitable 'Tex-sex' style.
August 27, 2004: 10:08 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - TV star and Trimspa diet spokeswoman Anna Nicole Smith's latest effort at self-promotion is a new line of clothing inspired by her own "Tex-sex" style paying homage to her Texas roots.

Anna after shedding 69 pounds using Trimspa.

Called "Anna Nicole," the collection will include jeans, T-shirts, tops and skirts. Smith collaborated with designers of Southern California-based apparel company Von Dutch to create the line.

Smith will debut her collection Aug. 30 in Las Vegas, where she'll meet with buyers and retailers.

The 36-year old Smith, whose real name is Vickie Lynn Marshall, has been featured several times on the cover of Playboy magazine and gained fame as a model for Guess? jeans.

But she's best known for her marriage to late billionaire J. Howard Marshall. The couple married when she was 26 and he was 89. Smith spent seven years battling over the estate of her oil tycoon husband, who died in 1995 at age 90.

In August 2002, Smith debuted in her own reality show on E! network called "The Anna Nicole Show, " which follows Smith's daily misadventures.

Smith's also drawn plenty of media coverage lately with her stunning 69-pound weight loss, which she attributes to her use of weight-loss supplement Trimspa.  Top of page

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