Spokane, Wash.'s, downtown is a hotbed of new development.
Population: 208,900
% over 50: 33%
Median home price: $138,000
Top state income tax: None
Cost of living index: 94
Unlike Seattle, 280 miles to the West, the sky in Spokane is blue most days of the year. That's all the better for taking advantage of the Spokane region's 76 lakes, 33 golf courses and five ski resorts.
For retirees with time to go farther afield, there's a half-dozen major national parks--including Glacier and Yellowstone-- within a day's drive. The city's historic downtown has been a hotbed for new development and multi-million-dollar renovations bringing in boutique hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, and luxury lofts (starting around $200,000).
A regional medical hub, Spokane's health care has kept pace with its cultural coming of age. Providence Sacred Heart Medical, for example, has been recognized for its outstanding cardiac surgery, heart attack treatment, and critical care, among others.
Added bonus: The state of Washington charges no income taxes.
See complete data and interactive map for SpokaneNEXT: Columbia, S.C.