Tim Geithner

post lehman brothers

2008: President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Geithner succeeded Paulson in 2009 as Secretary of the Treasury, but Geithner was an instrumental player during the implosion of Lehman and subsequent rescue of other major banks. As the head of the New York Fed, Geithner worked with Bernanke, Paulson and others to convince bank CEOs to accept TARP and helped arrange some of the big bank mergers that kept certain banks alive.

Now: Council on Foreign Relations fellow

After leaving his job at the Treasury Department in early 2013, Geithner took a position as a distinguished fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He's been active on the public speaking circuit and will be publishing his own memoir about the financial crisis.

First published September 17, 2013: 2:37 PM ET

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