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Wanna' date? Show me your credit score first

When it comes to finding love, these singles view bad credit as a deal breaker.

Bad credit is a 'total deal breaker'

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  • Name: Nancy Freedman
  • Hometown: New York City
  • Age: 51

A bad credit score is a total deal breaker with me.

People have enough baggage as it is. Debt is huge baggage -- debt to me is like a steamer trunk, overweight and overloaded. How are you gonna' move forward with bad credit? If you're dating and in a serious thing and want to buy something or make an investment or buy a second home, you're not going to be able to do it.

There are a million ways to find out if someone has bad credit. I think if I got to the point where I really like someone, I'm going to come out and ask. Whether I would stay with them would depend on how bad the credit is, how old his problems are and can it be cleaned up.

Assuming all of it is old and maybe we could clean it up, that might be okay. But if not, that would be a deal breaker. Because in the long run, no one cares how much cash you have -- you have to have good credit to get anything.

  @blakeellis3 - Last updated September 09 2013 05:57 AM ET

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