100 Best Companies to Work For 

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  • Low turnover
  • No layoffs
  •  Women
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  • All stars
  • Annual pay
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  • Health care
  • Child care
  • Work-life balance
  • Telecommuting
  • Sabbaticals
  • Unusual perks
  • Perkfinder
And the winners are...
Even in this economy, some companies are going out of their way to please employees. This year, there's a new no. 1, as Google slips to no. 4. See detailed profiles of the top 100 employers, including interactive maps, key perks, contact information, and more. More
  1. NetApp
  2. Edward Jones
  3. Boston Consulting
  4. Google
  5. Wegmans
  1. Cisco
  2. Genentech
  3. Methodist Hospital
  4. Goldman Sachs
  5. Nugget Market

They're hiring! These 20 Best Companies to Work For have at least 350 openings each right now. What kind of candidates are they looking for? More
25 top-paying companies Associates at Bingham McCutchen take home an average $256,312 total compensation annually. Who else offers big paychecks? more
Love your job? Then save it! If you're worried about getting laid off, now's the time to fight for your position. So follow these do's and don'ts. more

Best employers in your state
California is home to the most companies on this year's list. See the top employers near you (including interactive maps) and the best places to live nearby. more
• California
• New York
• Texas
• See the rest
Great benefits: Health care
15 companies on this year's list pay 100% of their employees' health-care premiums. more
• Child care
• Telecommuting
• Sabbaticals
Perk finder
Select benefits you want and see instantly which Best Companies offer them. more
A new No. 1 best employer
Data storage company NetApp continues to grow revenues while boosting employee morale -- enough to topple Google (No. 4), which held the crown for the past two years. more
Zappos knows how to kick it
The quirky retailer has a reputation for fun. It's also a model of how to nurture employees in good times and bad. More
Jim Collins: Turn crisis into opportunity
In troubled times a business needs enduring values and the best talent. More
Does your company rock?
Does your employer deserve to be on the list? What makes your company an awesome place to work? Send photos and videos that show us why. more
Do you expect to change jobs soon?
  • Yes, I'm worried about layoffs.
  • Yes, I'm hoping to move up.
  • No, fingers crossed. I'm happy where I am.
  • Not sure.
Find the right company for you
What qualities are you looking for in a great employer? Use our tool to find the companies on our list that suit you best.
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Number of women High Low Ignore
Ethnically diverse Yes No Ignore
Extra training Yes No Ignore
Job growth High Low Ignore
Low turnover Yes No Ignore
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    A dream workplace
    DreamWorks Animation, No. 47 on Fortune�s Best Companies to Work For list, strives to create a paradise for artists. Watch
To choose the 100 Best, we conduct the most extensive employee survey in corporate America. More than 81,000 employees from 353 companies responded to a 57-question survey created by the Great Place to Work Institute. More
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