Fat paychecks, sweet perks, fun colleagues, and over 150,000 jobs ready to be filled -- these employers offer dream workplaces. Meet this year's top 100, network with the winners on LinkedIn, and more. More

Check out our data visualization to see the most popular words workers used when praising their companies, and drill down to see a sampling of their comments. More

California is home to the most companies on this year's list. See the top employers near you (including interactive maps). more
• New York |
• Texas |

14 companies on this year's list pay 100% of their employees' health-care premiums. More

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A day on the job at three best companies. More
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What qualities are you looking for in a great employer? Use our tool to find the companies on our list that suit you best.
Company size | Large | Small | Ignore |
Number of women | High | Low | Ignore |
Ethnically diverse | Yes | No | Ignore |
Extra training | Yes | No | Ignore |
Job growth | Yes | No | Ignore |
Low turnover | Yes | No | Ignore |
State: For multiple selections, hold down the <Ctrl> key |
How it works |
Video (1 of 5)
John Mackey opens up about his greatest successes and failures over a 32-year career at the supermarket company. Watch
Company | Avg. annual pay |
Salesforce.com | $318,323 |
Bingham McCutchen | $219,888 |
Alston & Bird | $182,681 |
Company | Job growth % |
Zappos.com | 37% |
Balfour Beatty Construction | 37% |
Darden Restaurants | 21% |
State | No. of top employers |
California | 16 |
Texas | 13 |
New York | 11 |
To pick the 100 Best Companies to Work For, Fortune partners with the Great Place to Work Institute to conduct the most extensive employee survey in corporate America. More