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1. SAS

Rank: 1 (Previous rank: 1)
What makes it so great?
A 14-year veteran of this list, the software firm takes the top spot for the second year running.

Its perks are epic: on-site healthcare, high quality childcare at $410 per month, summer camp for kids, car cleaning, a beauty salon, and more -- it�s all enough to make a state-of-the-art, 66,000-square-foot gym seem like nothing special by comparison.

This year, strong employee feedback sent its numbers even higher. Says one manager: "People stay at SAS in large part because they are happy, but to dig a little deeper, I would argue that people don�t leave SAS because they feel regarded -- seen, attended to and cared for. I have stayed for that reason, and love what I do for that reason."

100 SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513
2009 revenue ($ millions): 2,310
Website: www.sas.com
Network with SAS

Is SAS a great employer, or what?
U.S. employees 5,629
Employees outside U.S. 5,220
New jobs (1 year) 151
% job growth (1 year) 3%
% voluntary turnover 2%
Applicants 45,181
Job openings (as of 1/7/11) N.A.
Pay Avg. annual pay*
Most common job (salaried):
Software Developer
Most common job (hourly):
Office Administrator
Paid sabbaticals No
Onsite child care Yes
100% health-care coverage No
Onsite fitness center Yes
Subsidized gym membership Yes
Job sharing program Yes
Compressed workweek Yes
Telecommuting Yes
% minorities 17%
% women 44%
Has nondiscrimination policy
that includes sexual orientation?
Offers domestic partner benefits
for same-sex couples?
Professional training  
Salaried employees (hrs./yr.): 40
Hourly employees (hrs./yr.): 19
From the Feb. 7, 2011 issue
N.A.: Not available. U.S. employees includes part-timers as of time of survey. Job growth, new jobs, and voluntary turnover are full-time only. Revenues are for 2009 or latest fiscal year. All data based on U.S. employees, except job openings, which are worldwide.
* Average annual pay: yearly pay rate plus additional cash compensation for the largest classification of full-time salaried and hourly employees.
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To pick the 100 Best Companies to Work For, Fortune partners with the Great Place to Work Institute to conduct the most extensive employee survey in corporate America. More
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