Rank: 1 (Previous rank: 1)
What makes it so great?
A 14-year veteran of this list, the software firm takes the top spot for the second year running.
Headquarters: Its perks are epic: on-site healthcare, high quality childcare at $410 per month, summer camp for kids, car cleaning, a beauty salon, and more -- it�s all enough to make a state-of-the-art, 66,000-square-foot gym seem like nothing special by comparison. This year, strong employee feedback sent its numbers even higher. Says one manager: "People stay at SAS in large part because they are happy, but to dig a little deeper, I would argue that people don�t leave SAS because they feel regarded -- seen, attended to and cared for. I have stayed for that reason, and love what I do for that reason." 100 SAS Campus Drive Cary, NC 27513
2009 revenue ($ millions): 2,310Website: www.sas.com Network with SAS
Is SAS a great employer, or what?
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Company size | Large | Small | Ignore |
Number of women | High | Low | Ignore |
Ethnically diverse | Yes | No | Ignore |
Extra training | Yes | No | Ignore |
Job growth | Yes | No | Ignore |
Low turnover | Yes | No | Ignore |
State: For multiple selections, hold down the <Ctrl> key |
How it works |
Company | Avg. annual pay |
Salesforce.com | $318,323 |
Bingham McCutchen | $219,888 |
Alston & Bird | $182,681 |
Company | Job growth % |
Zappos.com | 37% |
Balfour Beatty Construction | 37% |
Darden Restaurants | 21% |
State | No. of top employers |
California | 16 |
Texas | 13 |
New York | 11 |