Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

37 of 500
37. Microsoft
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 37 (Previous rank: 38)
CEO: Steven A. Ballmer
Was this company a 2011 top stock?

Redmond is preparing for what may well prove to be its biggest launch year since the Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" blared across American TV screens in 1995. Microsoft rebounded from the disastrous 2007 Windows Vista launch with Windows 7, which has been a spectacular success. (Some 40% of enterprise desktops worldwide run Windows 7.) Now, it is preparing to release Windows 8 which, unlike 7, will be a total reboot for the operating system, including a radical new interface design dubbed Metro. The launch will unify the look and feel of various Microsoft products from PCs and tablets to telephones and the Xbox gaming console.

But Microsoft has changed. Though the operating system business is healthy, it now makes up a smaller share of the company's profits. It grew units including its server and tools group and took in more from online advertising. But the company faces challenges: its entertainment division struggled as the market for video games softened and the much-touted Windows Phone 7 handsets have yet to sell as well as Microsoft would like them to.

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Key financials $ millions % change
from 2010
Revenues 69,943.0 11.9
Profits 23,150.0 23.4
Assets 108,704.0
Stockholders' equity 57,083.0
Market value (3/29/2012) 269,511.6
Profits as % of  
Revenues 33.1
Assets 21.3
Stockholders' equity 40.6
Earnings per share  
2011 $ 2.69
% change from 2010 28.1
2001-2011 annual growth rate % 15.1
Total return to investors %
2011 -4.5
2001-2011 annual rate 0.1
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 Microsoft 37 69,943.0
2 Oracle 82 35,622.0
3 Symantec 391 6,190.0
Issue date: May 21, 2012
Figures are for fiscal year ended June 30, 2011.
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1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
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Fortune 500+
Want more on America's top companies? Get data on the full Fortune 1,000 list here. Fortune 500+

Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
California 53
Texas 52
New York 50
Company Rank
Google 73
NetApp 474
NuStar Energy 377
Company 2011 $ (millions)
Exxon $41,060.0
Chevron $26,895.0
Apple $25,922.0
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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