A New ERA, The Decline of Everyone, Rethinking McDonald's, and Other Matters. Cri de Coeur

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Hey, what ever happened to the women's movement? Have women maybe decided they don't exactly need the movement? If not, why is it slowly sinking from sight, leaving policy analysts everywhere with less to analyze? Why does good old Nexis show a 23% drop in newspaper stories about the National Organization for Women (comparing the first nine months of this year and of 1984)? Do policy analysts have 23% less space to fill? Why isn't NOW President Eleanor Smeal taking her troops ''into the streets,'' as pledged in her 1985 election campaign? What became of comparable worth? And ERA? Does it go back to just meaning Earned Run Average? What ever happened to all those stories out of NOW about the 800 (sometimes 1,100) different provisions of the U.S. code said to discriminate against females? And to the idea that our major political parties could never again nominate an all-male national ticket? Where are they now? Just when we need them?