Who's on first?
By STAFF Kate Ballen, Darienne L. Dennis, Alan Farnham, Stuart Gannes, Carrie Gottlieb, Julianne Slovak

(FORTUNE Magazine) – It's a familiar situation: There are only so many major league teams and so many good managers, and the managers are always moving from team to team. Only it isn't baseball, it's airlines. In the past seven months, C. W. ''Pete'' Runnette, formerly Pan Am's senior vice president of marketing, became international vice president at Continental Airlines, whose president, Thomas G. Plaskett, switched to running Pan Am. Martin R. Shugrue Jr. left Pan Am's dugout for the president's job at Continental. Stephen Wolf, formerly CEO of Flying Tigers, defected to lead United Airlines. John Pope became United's treasurer after leaving American Airlines. Who says working for George Steinbrenner is so tough?