(FORTUNE Magazine) – Want to read all about the political conventions? This isn't the place. Sure, we'll tell you what to watch for (see O Democracy!), but those infomercials come through just as clear on your cable system as on ours. If, on the other hand, you want the sharpest thinking and best-sourced reporting on a campaign suddenly focused on business and the economy, then stick around, because that's what's coming from the team pictured above.

Rob Norton, our assistant managing editor and, if I may say so, America's best economics columnist, asks: "Who'd have thought a debate about growth and tax levels would become central to the campaign? That was not foreseeable a month ago." Now that it has happened, Rob is the man we'll turn to for wisdom and insight. See his column, Get Real, for a fresh view of Clinton's record.

For the pure politics of it all, you can't do better than David Shribman and Chris Ogden. David is the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of our O Democracy! column; he couldn't make the photo shoot because he was chasing sources in San Diego. Chris is a former senior White House correspondent for our sister publication Time, and a master explainer of how campaigns work. Columnist Andrew Ferguson (An American in Washington) is guaranteed to find a unique take on the whole thing, but then Andy is unique in many ways. He's the only member of the team, he notes proudly, whose personnel records were in the batch notoriously summoned by the Clinton White House. (Andy served briefly as a speechwriter in the Bush Administration.)

And, yes, we send team members to the conventions--not to cover the TV show, but because it's an efficient way to talk to Senators, party officials, and behind-the-scenes shapers of the campaign. Example: See First for Justin Fox's interview with John Taylor, the Stanford economist emerging as the architect of Dole's economic program.

Overseeing the whole effort is deputy managing editor Rik Kirkland (his Washington tour was in the Reagan years), who's got the team fired up and deployed. As he says, "The campaign is only now getting really interesting." Not a moment too soon for this gang.