Hear Mo' Evil RumbleFX headphones
By Joe Hutsko

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Force-feedback joysticks, steering wheels, and game pads can deliver the shakes, rattles, and rolls that enhance the sensation of fragging foes in Quake III or pulling G's in Flight Sim 2002. But even the best surround-sound setup leaves something to be desired when it comes to scrambling that gray space between your ears. Solution: Evergreen Technologies RumbleFX Force Feedback headphones. Don't let the cushy cups fool you; tiny subwoofers turn the smallest bass sounds into head-thumping vibrations. A digital signal processor hunts for bass in any audio source--CDs, TV shows, DVDs, or PC or console games--and pounds them into your ears. If you've had a few too many the night before, or if you've been listening for a half hour, you'll probably flick the RumbleFX's feedback switch down a notch.

--Joe Hutsko