This Hangover Is Brought to You By...
By Eric Dash

(FORTUNE Magazine) – This fall, Chris Barrett and Luke McCabe will become the first corporate-sponsored college students. First USA Bank will pay their tuition at Pepperdine University and the University of Southern California, and the guys will lend their names and faces to a marketing campaign that stresses financial responsibility. While First USA has dibs on Chris and Luke, there's still an opportunity for others to establish themselves as the Big Brand on Campus. Here are our suggestions. --Eric Dash

Tricon Global Official sponsor of the Freshman 15

With such high calorie brands as KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell under one roof, the food giant can simultaneously expand its reach--and the frosh waistline.

Tylenol Official sponsor of the Hangover

Liquor-guzzling students may not want to remember last night, but Tylenol will make sure they don't forget who provided relief for their pounding headaches.

JDS Uniphase Official sponsor of Town-Gown Relations

By writing off almost $45 billion over the last fiscal year, the battered telecom equipment maker has proved it has more than enough goodwill to go around.

Goodyear Official sponsor of Grade Inflation

Who better to pump up the grades of campus airheads than the owners of the world's second-most-famous inflatables? (Insert your own Pam Anderson joke here.)