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Companies pitch in
Major companies -- including Home Depot and Ford -- pledge millions to hurricane relief efforts.
September 15, 2005: 1:58 PM EDT
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NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Corporations are contributing millions of dollars in relief aid to help cope with the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina. The following is a list of companies that have taken steps to provide aid to those in need of funds, food and medicine following the storm:

Abbott, a pharmaceutical and medical products company, has pledged to contribute $4 million, $2 million in cash donations and an initial $2 million in nutritional and medical products to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. Abbott's initial contributions include cases of pediatric and adult nutritional products such as Similac infant formula, PediaSure and Pedialyte nutritional drinks and Ensure and ZonePerfect bars.

Albertson's will donate $9 million in food and water and match employee donations up to $1 million.

Allstate Corp. is establishing a $1 million aid fund and will match donations by its agents and staff with no limit.

AG Edwards, Inc. is donating $100,000 to the Red Cross, along with individual employee contributions by its agents and staff with no limits.

American International Group (AIG) is making an initial $1 million donation through the AIG Disaster Relief Fund and matching employee donations dollar for dollar.

Alcoa will donate $220,000 to the Red Cross and will match employee donations.

Amerada Hess said it would contribute $1 million to the American Red Cross for its disaster relief efforts in responding to Hurricane Katrina. In addition, the company will match individual employee donations to the Red Cross.

American Airlines flew 85,000 pounds of bottled water and nonperishable food items donated by the airline to New Orleans. American also picked up some of its own employees, other airlines' employees and stranded travelers and flew them to Dallas/Fort Worth.

Amgen will donate $2.5 million to various relief agencies including the American Red Cross and will match employee contributions.

Anheuser-Busch said it shipped 12,600 cases of drinking water for the Red Cross to distribute to victims in affected areas of Louisiana.

Apple Computer donated $1 million to the Red Cross and is accepting donations on behalf of the Red Cross through a link on its iTunes Music Store site.

Arby's will give $100,000 to the American Red Cross.

AztraZeneca PLC will provide $1 million in cash as well as free medicine and matching employee contributions to the Red Cross.

AT&T will donate $1 million to American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $500,000. AT&T will donate 35,000 30-minute calling cards and will establish IP-based calling centers to give evacuees and emergency workers access to free calling.

Bayer Corp. has committed $2 million in cash and product donations and will match employee donations to the Red Cross. Its Consumer Care division has pledged more than 6000 cases of various over-the-counter products. They have also pledged a large donation of veterinary medicines.

BI-LO/Bruno's supermarkets will match up to $25,000 in employee and customer donations to the American Red Cross.

BP is donating $ 1 million to the Red Cross.

Campbell Soup Company will contribute more than $2 million of food products, including soup, beverages and baked snacks, to the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Campbell will also donate $25,000 and match employee donations up to $150,000.

Canon will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross and match employees donations.

Cendant is matching employee contributions up to $500k and is putting banner ads for the Red Cross on subsidiary Web sites such as Avis, Budget Orbitz, Cheaptickets, Ramada and Days Inn. The company is also coordinating to provide rental cars, rental trucks as well as housing in hotels and in timeshare businesses to DHS and FEMA workers.

CenterPoint Energy will donate $250,000 to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $250,000.

Charles Schwab is offers a home equity line of credit up to $25,000 as either a new line of credit or an extension to an existing line of credit. The offer will include residences that have sustained storm damage that normally would not qualify.

Chevron is making a $5 million donation -- $3 million to the Red Cross and $2 million to local charities in the area.

Chico's FAS will donate $250,000 to various relief agencies and match employee donations.

Cisco Systems will donate $1 million and match up to $1 million in employee donations to the Red Cross. Cisco is also distributing "Communication Kits" with IP-based connectivity.

Citigroup will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $1 million.

Clorox is transporting an initial 12 truckloads (50,000 gallons of bleach) to staging warehouses in Baton Rouge, La. and Jackson, Miss.

Coca-Cola Company is making a $5 million donation and donating water and other beverages to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for its relief efforts.

Comcast Corporation has committed to donating $10 million worth of advertising time for Public Service Announcements, in addition to $50,000 in cash to the American Red Cross. Comcast will also feature 10 hours of ON DEMAND programming in September, dedicated to airing American Red Cross updates, benefit concerts and information on what customers can do to help in the relief efforts.

Comerica will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross.

ConocoPhillips will contribute $3 million and match employee contributions.

Continental Airlines will donate 1000 airline tickets to help relocate residents of the region. The tickets will be approved and arranged through a relief organization.

Culligan will send five truckloads of drinking water.

Dana Corporation will donate $50,000 to Red Cross and employee match to all other charities.

Degussa will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and match employee contributions.

DHL will donate $500,000 worth of shipping services.

DirecTV has launched a Hurricane Katrina Information channel.

DISH Network will provide satellite television service to shelters across Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

Dow Chemical is donating $1 million to the Red Cross, up to $1 million in employee matching gifts and $1 million in products and technology for rebuilding.

Dress Barn will donate $3 million worth of clothes to World Vision and match double-match employee donations.

Dupont is making a $1 million cash donation and is prepared to make product donations.

Edison International will donate $125,000 to the Red Cross and will match up to $25,000 in employee donations.

Edward Jones will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and will match customer and employee contributions.

Eli Lilly will donate $2 million to the Red Cross and match up to $1 million in employee donations. Eli Lilly will also donate $1 million worth of insulin.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car announced that it is making a donation of $1 million through its charitable foundation to the American Red Cross to help in the massive Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

Exxon Mobil will donate $2 million to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and will provide $5 million in grants to local relief agencies. They are also providing an employee match of up to $500,000.

Fannie Mae has mortgage relief provisions in place for borrowers in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and other states facing hardships as a result of widespread damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.

Federated Department Stores begins offering shoppers the option to contribute $1 or more to Hurricane relief with or without a purchase. They will match up to $1 million in contributions and split funds between the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Additionally all employee donations will be matched up to $500,000.

FedEx has offered to airlift donated resources.

Flowserve will donate $50,000 and match up to $50,000 in employee donations to the Red Cross.

Food Lion said it would accept customer donations to the Red Cross and will send a truckload of bottled water to the area.

Ford Motor said it will make a total contribution of $1 million to disaster relief organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and America's Second Harvest, and is making a $2 million vehicle donation of more than 160 used trucks, vans and SUVs for use in the relief effort.

Ford Motor Credit Company is offering customers affected by Hurricane Katrina the opportunity to defer vehicle payments for up to 90 days.

Fox Networks Group will donate $5 million in ad space.

Freddie Mac has extended its mortgage relief policies for borrowers affected by Hurricane Katrina in locations declared Major Disaster Areas by President Bush. They are also donating $10 million to aid organizations including the Red Cross (on top of $100,000 they gave earlier this week).

FTN Midwest Securities will donate 50% of all equity business to the relief effort during the entire week of September 5.. All funds will immediately be directed to the victims upon settlement.

Gap Inc. is donating $1 million through its Gap Foundation to support immediate relief and longer-term recovery in the affected region. Through October, the foundation is also contributing $2 for every $1 donated by employees to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. The company's Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy and Outlet stores also will offer a 15 percent discount on all merchandise to customers showing a valid Alabama, Louisiana or Mississippi identification license through October 31. Employees can also donate their paid-time off to the company's PTO Donation Fund.

General Electric will donate $6 million to the Red Cross and match employee donations up to $1 million. GE will also donate $10 million in medical devices, power generators and water purification systems.

GMAC-RFC will match employee donations up to $1 million.

General Motors is contributing $400,000 to the American Red Cross and matching employee donations up to $250,000. GM will also donate 25 vehicles for use by the American Red Cross.

Grainer will donate $1 million in supplies and cash.

Harrah's Entertainment will establish an Employee Recovery Fund of $1 million and will provide Biloxi, Gulfport and New Orleans casino employees with their regularly scheduled base pay for up to 90 days.

HEICO will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross and match up to $50,000 in employee donations.

Home Depot will donate $1.5 million to various relief organizations, including the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The home improvement retailer will set up six temporary support centers to provide reconstruction materials.

Honda will donate $5 million to the American Red Cross, which includes direct contributions and employee matches. They are also going to donate generators, water pumps, all terrain vehicles, personal watercraft, outboard motors and vehicles for relief efforts.

Hospital Corporation of America will donate $1 million to the Salvation Army and other agencies and will match employee donations.

IKEA will donate $1 million worth of home furnishings, will match employee donations up to $250,000 and will donate total proceeds from the sale of a $9.99 heart shaped cushion.

Intel will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and is assessing communication and hardware needs.

IPSCO will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and match employee donations.

JPMorgan Chase will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $1 million.

Kellogg will donate $500,000 in cash and products including seven truckloads of breakfast bars, crackers and cookies already en route.

Kimberly-Clark, makers of Kleenex, Scott, and Huggies among other brands, will contribute $250,000 in cash and $350,000 in production donations.

Koch Industries is donating $1 million to the Red Cross, $250,000 to the Salvation Army and will match employee contributions up to $1 million.

Kraft Foods will provide $1 million in food and cash grants.

Lowe's Companies will match in-store customer contributions up to $1 million. The company said it has truckloads of emergency supplies staged and ready for relief efforts along the Gulf Coast. Lowe's also says its more than 1,125 stores nationwide will serve as official cash-donation sites to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

MAR Oil will donate $13,200 to the Red Cross.

Major League Baseball will match fan contributions up to $1 million.

MasterCard will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and $500,000 to AmeriCares and will double-match employee contributions. Its has also donated ad space in the USA Today to the Red Cross.

McDonald's has created a $2 million matching fund to match donations raised by the Ronald McDonald House Charities canisters in McDonald's restaurants and donations made within the company to help employees in need. McDonald's is also working with FEMA and the Red Cross to help bring food, water and other supplies where it is needed most.

Medtronic will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.

Merrill Lynch donated $1 million to the Red Cross and has created a matching fund that will provide a dollar-for-dollar match up to $500,000 for employee and retiree contributions.

Microsoft Corp has pledged an initial $1 million and sent technology experts to help the Red Cross. They have also sent 3 buses with high end satellite equipment for use in remote areas.

Modine Manufacturing will donate $150,000 to various agencies.

Morgan Stanley will match employee donations to the Red Cross up to $500,000.

National Assn. of Broadcasters (NAB) will distribute 10,000 battery-operated, handheld radios to residents displaced by the hurricane. They are also donating $1 million to the American Red Cross.

National Association of Realtors will contribute an additional $1 million to funds established by realtor associations in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi to provide emergency relief to victims of the hurricane.

New York Life Insurance will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and will match employee contributions.

Navistar is donating use of trucks, cars and logistics. The company also offered a 7,750 square-foot facility for recovery efforts.

News Corp will donate $1 million to the Salvation Army and match employee donations.

Nexsen Pruet Adams Kleemeier, PLLC will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross and match employee donations up to $50,000.

NHL and National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA) will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross.

Nissan North America will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and provide 50 full-size trucks to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.

Northwest Airlines will deliver hurricane relief supplies, including water, hand towels and batteries.

Office Depot pledged to contribute $1 million to the American Red Cross.

Onstar will provide services in the affected areas, a donation of $400,000 to the Red Cross and well as employee donations.

Oprah's Angel Network is donating $1 million to America's Second Harvest Network to purchase food.

Oracle Corp will match contributions by staff and pledged to help with any technical assistants related to recovery in the region.

PACCAR will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.

Papa Johns franchisee owner Keith Sullens in Houston is using his location in Reliant Stadium, which is adjacent to the Astrodome, to provide up to 10,000 Pizzas to people arriving at the Astrodome from the Superdome. He is also offering 150 delivery jobs open across the Houston area to people evacuated from New Orleans as a chance for them to get back on their feet. On the corporate Papa Johns will provide water to people evacuated to the Astrodome.

Pepsi Americas will contribute $500,000 in financial aid and water.

Pfizer will donate $1 million for rebuilding hospital and healthcare centers, $1 million for relief organizations including the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and the United Way of America and medicines, consumer and animal health products

PMI Mortgage Insurance donated $50,000 to the American Red Cross and matching employee contributions as well. It will also support Fannie and Freddie policies that incorporate mortgage relief provisions to avoid delinquency and foreclosure, such as suspending or reducing mortgage payments, waiving late fees, and not reporting delinquencies caused by the disaster to credit bureaus.

Qwest Communications will match up to $250,000 in employee donations to the Red Cross and is providing calling cards and technical support.

RCN Corporation is donating $300,000 worth of advertising time on its local cable systems to encourage viewers to help support the United Way's efforts to address the short term and long term needs of evacuees. RCN will air United Way public service announcements more than 10,000 times over the next four weeks. RCN also donated the same amount of PSA air time to the American Red Cross.

Safeway will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and 10,000 emergency kits.

Saudi Refining Inc. has donated $5 million to the American Red Cross.

SBC will match employee donations up to $1 million and will contribute telephone and Internet services worth $4 million per month.

Sears will donate $500,000 in merchandise and gift cards to the Red Cross and match customer donations up to $500,000.

Shell Oil and Motiva Enterprises dedicated $2 million and said they would match employee donations up to $1 million.

Southwest Airlines is bringing supplies such as ice, bottled water, flashlights and bug spray. The airline also picked up about 20 to 40 evacuees.

Sprint Nextel is setting up a mobile command center with full telecommunications system to coordinate a "massive" recovery effort and help get mobile service working again. The company is also giving 3000 Nextel walkie talkies to recovery workers and providing a total of 10 RV's and vehicles with satellite cellular service.

St. Paul Travelers will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.

State Farm has given $1 million to the Red Cross and will match employee contributions dollar for dollar.

Talbots will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross and match $50,000 in employee donations. It will also donate 54,000 units of children's clothing.

Target announced a $1.5 million donation to the American Red Cross. The company said in a statement that it was also coordinating the distribution of essential relief products requested by the Red Cross, including water, ice, energy bars and bug spray.

Tesoro Corporation, the second largest US oil refinery, will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and Salvation Army and match employee contributions. Tesoro will also be helping the city of San Antonio food bank on Friday collect food to be sent to Louisiana, Mississippi, etc.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has pledged $2 million to Lutheran relief agencies and will match member contributions.

Time Warner (the parent of Turner Broadcasting) will match $1 million in employee donations to the Red Cross

Toyota will contribute $5 million to Red Cross.

Town & Country Credit will donate $100 to the Red Cross for every loan funded during September.

Trinity Springs will donate $27,000 liters of bottled water.

Turner Broadcasting (the parent of CNN) will donate $250,000 and match employee contributions.

Tyson Foods Inc. said it will donate up to $1 Million in food and financial aid. They are also providing food and a mobile kitchen.

Unilever will donate $1 million in cash to the Red Cross and Salvation Army and will donate $1.6 million worth of company products including soap, shampoo, detergent, peanut butter, soup, nutritional shakes and snack bars.

United Rentals, Inc. donates up to $100,000 in financial support to the American Red Cross.

UPS donates $500,000 in cash and $750,000 worth of services.

United Airlines will give 500 frequent flier miles to anyone who donates $50 or more to the Red Cross, AmeriCares or Operation USA. The airline is also planning a relief flight with food and supplies.

Verizon will match employee contributions 2-to-1 to the American Red Cross.

Verizon also put a $1,000 credit on all prepaid accounts in the affected area codes. They have also halted all collections efforts for post-pay accounts, stopped suspending services, suspended all late fees, reconnecting service at no cost, and are making arrangements for all new equipment as needed.

Verizon will be providing the staff at 22 call centers to answer the phones Friday night during the national telethon. Employees have raised $5 million as of September 7.

Verizon Wireless has had emergency communication centers set up in the Astrodome and Reliant Center, which give people free calling services, recharging phones, and tech support, handling 300 calls per hour. Handing out 10-000 Verizon calling cards at locations, distributing free phones at shelters. Anyone can walk into a Verizon wireless store in LA, MS, AL, TX and they can make a call and recharge batteries.

Walgreen Co. made an initial donation of $250,000 to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $500,000. They are also donating truckloads of supplies and emergency medicines to relief efforts in the affected areas.

Wal-Mart Stores will give $17 million in cash donations and establish mini-Wal-Mart stores in areas impacted by the hurricane. Items such as clothing, diapers, baby wipes, food, formula, toothbrushes, bedding and water will be given out free of charge to those with a demonstrated need.

Walt Disney Company is donating $2.5 million in relief funds. $1 million will go to the American Red Cross and $1 million will go to rebuilding efforts targeted at children's charities. The remaining $500,000 will be directed towards volunteer centers providing services to the communities affected by the hurricane.

Washington Mutual will donate $100,000 to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations.

Wachovia will donate $250,000 to the American Red cross and match employee donations. Wachovia delivered food, water and generators to Mobile and Pascagoula and will continue to send supplies.

Winn-Dixie announced a program called "Neighbors Helping Neighbors," in which people can make donations in its Southeast stores for Hurricane Katrina victims.

Xerox will donate $1.2 million in services and supplies and $800,000 in cash to various relief agencies.


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Corporate Giving
Hurricane Katrina
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