Acura gets Emotional
Acura wants the company's future product to be guided by emotion, and the not-so-creatively-named Sports Car Concept is supposed to represent that thinking. (You can get Automobile Magazine's take on it here, too.) With a front-engine and all-wheel-drive it could be argued that this concept isn't as "creative" as its mid-engine predecessor (the NSX).
However, using this design gives the concept car a greater shot at reality, as a front-engine, AWD platform would much easier to use for other, non-sports-car, models (such as a large luxury sedan). The NSX could have only ever been a sports car, but this basic structure could underpin multiple Acuras. My biggest complaint? It looks too much like a 1970s Corvette, at least in the front end. But the proportions are right on, and Acura does need a shot of both performance (love that V10 under the hood) and emotion in their line-up. I'll take mine in emotional red, thank you. This looks like a retro car to me. aka corvette
this is a cool car i wont it give it
: 1:12 PM cool give it now plz
: 1:14 PM cool give it now plz
: 1:14 PM i will buy it 4 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
: 1:17 PM Looks alot like the SAAB at last years car show. The big difference is that Acura will built and GM won't build their SAAB version
: 4:46 PM Sorry, but this looks just like the SAAB Concept Car in 2006. Which I hope they build
: 2:19 PM looks like they were trying to make a new batmobile
: 3:25 PM This looks as much like a 70's corvette as it does a truck. The only similarity I see is the long hood, but that description would fit any longitudnally mounted front-engine RW/AWD car. This car is gorgeous, definately my favorite concept of the show.
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