Tell us your dream
What's the one thing you absolutely want to do in your lifetime?
Go for it. I retired, wrote two mystery novels and self published them myself.
: 2/06/2007 1:10 PM Now I speak to middle school children about my life and my writing. I am a reti retired veterinarian and my retirement from two former jobs pays the bills. I would like to own a professional sports team. I think that would be a nice way to relax and enjoy retirement, but also at the same time...own my own sports team. Are the New Orleans/Oklahoma City/Charlotte Hornet Bobcats for sale?
: 2/06/2007 3:04 PM My dream is to enter a PhD program and obtain my Doctorate. I love conducting research, publishing and teaching. The challenges of finding funding, raising my two young children, and paying for a mortgage is not solvent in these times. However, as they say, every dog has his day ... it will take time.
: 2/06/2007 9:25 PM I, like example Sherry Jetter, would like to sail around the world. However, the boats that I own are lake boats - ill suited to ocean sailing.
: 2/07/2007 9:43 AM The way I'm going to be able to achieve this dream and not have to spend $150,000 of my retirement money is simple - there are plenty of skippers looking for crew! So far, I've crewed on some beautiful yachts sailing between the mainland and Hawaii, all along the gulf coast, and the east coast. Around the world, here I come. I would like to start my own engineering consulting company focussing on biomedical industry.
: 2/07/2007 12:05 PM I would like to read newspapers , surf the net and watch tv from the comfort of my home. I will also have fun reviewing my still full 401k statements.
: 2/07/2007 2:52 PM I plan to work with a nonprofit that serves an area that is meaningful to me, such as the environment, wildlife, medical research,wellbeing of children in developing countries. All my time and energy has been sold for dollars to support my family. When it becomes possible, I want my time to make a difference in something I care about, something that I feel those of us who have lived long enough to be aware of should address. But looking at retirement as a time to curl up, indulge myself, and read a good book? Maybe after I can no longer put two words together on my own, maybe after I turn one hundred, maybe never.
: 2/07/2007 3:13 PM After spending 30+ years in the engineering & construction business and saving for retirement, I'd like to own a small business and am currently looking at buying a Laundromat. I can keep my job and run the business part-time with the help of my wife and an attendant or two.
: 2/07/2007 4:27 PM I want my kids to come out of college debt-free and start with a clean slate.....then, hopefully I've taught them enough about the importance of being money-smart that they can provide the same for their kids.
: 2/09/2007 12:44 PM To see my 3 children truely happy and making progress toward their own goals.
: 2/09/2007 2:49 PM ![]() Comment Policy: encourages you to add a comment to this discussion. You may not post any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other material that would violate the law. Please note that makes reasonable efforts to review all comments prior to posting and may edit comments for clarity or to keep out questionable or off-topic material. All comments should be relevant to the post and remain respectful of other authors and commenters. By submitting your comment, you hereby give the right, but not the obligation, to post, air, edit, exhibit, telecast, cablecast, webcast, re-use, publish, reproduce, use, license, print, distribute or otherwise use your comment(s) and accompanying personal identifying information via all forms of media now known or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity. Privacy Statement.