eBay places winning bid for TV-ad marketplace
MediaPost reports that eBay has beaten out rivals, including Google, for the right to run a $50 million online trial of auction-based television ad buying. For more than a year, it seems, the Association of National Advertisers, which includes big-name ad buyers like Wal-Mart, Hewlett-Packard, and Toyota, have been mulling the concept, but the green light only came Monday. Ars Technica notes that even still, the go-ahead is somewhat tentative: While the eBay trial will be "supervised" by the ANA, it is not yet officially endorsed by the association's broader membership. Still, thanks to this effort as well as Google's attempts to extend its AdSense services into radio and print, Ars Technica says that online ad auctions for "offline" media now "have enough support from big-name players to be given a number of chances to succeed before anyone declares the concept a failure."
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