ABC's online TV experiment a success
The numbers are in, and ABC's trial of streaming TV shows online appears to be a success, with 11 million viewers clicking to watch free, ad-supported shows like "Lost" and "Alias" on their PCs in the month of May. ABC plans to keep running the site through the end of June and then close it down for a fall relaunch. Random Culture says that this shows there's a role for free TV on the Web, pointing out that Disney, ABC's parent company, only sold 6 million TV shows for $1.99 apiece on Apple's iTunes store in nine months. Jupiter Research analyst Joe Laszlo is more skeptical, however: Crunching the numbers, he finds that there were only 91,667 viewers per show per day, which doesn't even add up to a single Nielsen rating point.

What do you think about watching TV shows online? Does the idea appeal to you?
Posted by Owen Thomas 10:41 AM 10 Comments comment | Add a Comment

I guess I am in the minority who would rather pay for a TV show than sit through inane commercials. I just hope the networks don't take this as a sign and stop providing a pay-per-download model for their programs.
Posted By Clinton, Montreal, Quebec : 12:11 PM  

I watched a couple of Shows on and I loved it, great idea and for free how can you beat it.
Posted By Dave, MD. : 12:39 PM  

I watched Lost a few time when I missed the TV airing. I like the idea of being able to watch a show at any time.
Posted By Keith, Washington DC : 12:41 PM  

The web/tv programs seem best suited for those who miss the shows at their regular airing times. That means that the web shows have to compete with the growing number of DVRs. Then again, it can't be too expensive to provide the shows ABC already owns on its website. The major cost might just be the lost opportunity to sell the shows on iTunes or DVD.
Posted By Chris, New York, NY : 1:36 PM  

It provides viewer a way to make up a missed episode.
Posted By Tim, Columbus, OH : 2:15 PM  

I tried to watch a few ABC shows when I heard about it here at CNN Money, and found it great until it froze after the first commercial and restarted. I guess there was bandwidth issues, too many people like me wanted to watch a show on our time, not televisions.
Posted By Matthew, La Jolla, CA : 3:29 PM  

I haven't checked out abc but I have paid for Major League Baseball. I love the idea of watching what I want on my time. Its only going to get better with time. I can't wait.
Posted By Albert, San Francisco, Ca : 6:38 PM  

I enjoyed watching TV on the Web. I don't own a PVR yet and didn't feel the need to buy one just for one/two good shows. I got to catch up on all of Alias. Didn't mind the 30secs Ads.
Posted By Ben, Burlington , Vermont. : 8:35 PM  

why would anyone pay attention to nielsen ratings anymore? Those ratings are becoming less informative or relevant everyday. I know of atleast two people who don't even have a TV yet manage to get a hold of shows and watch them.
Posted By zak, springfield, OT : 1:44 PM  

I downloaded one episode of Commander in Chief when I found out the season finale was on the next day and wanted to follow the plot development.

Commander in Chief was one of the best new shows on television. ABC was stupid to cancel it.
Posted By Bill Adams, Camarillo, CA : 10:06 PM  

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