Pud out as CEO at AdBrite
Internet bad boy Philip "Pud" Kaplan is turning over the reigns of his latest venture, AdBrite, an Internet ad marketplace, to Iggy Fanlo, former President of Shopping.com. AdBrite, which was born of Kaplan's desire for self-service ad sales on his wildly popular FuckedCompany.com, has seen torrid growth over the last two years. Given that success, the notoriously unconventional entrepreneur says he wants to bring in a "hardcore business guy," reports ClickZ. But the buzz online is that offbeat Pud may well have been forced upstairs by the company's lead investor, Sequoia Capital. Certainly, Kaplan has had a front row seat to the demise of many once-promising tech start-ups, and no doubt he hopes that his new company will not itself provide fodder for its original corporate parent.
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