ABC wants to skip the DVR's fast-forward button
During television's recent upfront sales, ABC tried to get advertisers to pay for ads that DVR users watched on fast-forward, MediaDailyNews reports. That effort flopped, so now ABC sales chief Mike Shaw is trying a new tack: He's trying to get cable companies, which supply most of the DVRs in consumer homes, to ban the fast-forward button altogether. Shaw argues that most DVR viewers use the device so they can watch shows at times of their choosing, not for the fast-forward feature. But Forrester Research found that DVR users skip 92 percent of the ads on recorded programs. Sure, TV networks may need to sell ads to make money. But is ABC really ready to campaign so publicly to kill a popular feature?
ABC runs too many commercials. It appears that the ratio of commercials to programming has increased over the past years. It's no wonder anyone who records ABC programs will fast forward through the commercials.
: 11:08 AM can i fast forward over this post .. and ABC
: 8:50 PM If DVR users are content to watch commercials, like Shaw says, then why is he trying to get the fast forward feature banned? Using his logic, no one uses the fast forward anyway.
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