Why your broadband costs too much
Pay just $18 a month for broadband? Don't buy it, says Techdirt. Aside from short-term introductory offers, most consumers still pay $35 to $40 a month for the service, and while DSL fees have dropped a bit, prices on cable Internet access have barely budged.
Public Knowledge, an advocacy group, calls the situation "a duopoly by any other name, noting that cable and telephone companies don't even compete in all areas, since some neighborhoods are only served by one type of broadband. Also, to get the cheapest rates on DSL or cable, consumers often have to buy phone or video service alongside it, which are often more expensive than alternatives like VOIP and satellite television. The result? Even though you're saving on Internet access, you end up spending more. This situation calls for real competition -- bring on the fiber-optic lines and WiMax! Well what I can say , you go to any cable company,for DSL service,they forced you to sign up for Cable TV services,and on cable TV most of the chanel are unwanted for minority comunity..some they don't understand their fine prints and sign up and finally they were billed at Higher prices for DSL..say Time warner@ You have to subscribe basic,standard and premium chanels,other wise their DSL service charges are likely to be $ 56 or $ 59 and up..Is not a fair practice..
: 5:40 PM
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