The MySpace killer from across the pond
MySpace may seem invulnerable in the U.S. But overseas, there are pockets of resistance to Rupert Murdoch's social-networking empire. Google's Orkut, for example, inexplicably reigns in Brazil. Old-school Friendster is big in the Philippines and Singapore. And Bebo has just overtaken MySpace in the U.K. That has gotten big companies like BT and Viacom interested in buying out Bebo. According to TechCrunch, Viacom's especially hungry to get into the social networking business, having previously made offers that were rejected for both MySpace and Facebook.
People have long speculated that Murdoch's News Corp. bought MySpace to create an online rival to Viacom's MTV. If so, Bebo could be a smart buy, since its Bebo Bands feature, which lets bands post music and sign up fans as online friends, is a big reason for its newfound popularity. What do you think? Would you be interested in giving Bebo a try? Anything is better than Myspace. As long as it runs well then I wouldn't mind giving it a try.
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