San Diego confab buzzes about 'game changer'
How appropriate that one of the early hits at the much-hyped tech conference DEMO, now winding down in San Diego, is BuzzLogic. The company develops a web analystics tool that helps marketers identify which web publishers are generating the most buzz around a given subject. CNET's Rafe Needleman goes so far as to call BuzzLogic a "game changer." He writes: "It tracks which blogs are the most-read on a particular topic, who influences the influential bloggers, and whom they influence in turn."
Dan Farber at ZDNet provides a comprehensive review, noting that the service indexes over 7,000 sources in its attempt to sort out who is "influential within the millions of conversations taking place in the social Web." All this apparently starts at only $500 a month. No doubt a bargain for the pros, though The Browser has always found that Google and a little elbow grease generally does the trick. Another company that seems to be doing the same (and more) as Buzz Logic is a company called Idiro Technologies.
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