4 signs that Sony's on the comeback
Here's an odd turn of events: People are blogging about Sony - and the buzz is good. Kotaku notes that Sony's PlayStation 3, previously criticized for being overpriced and hard to program, won Best of Show at the DigitalLife conference. And Eurogamer says that the PS3's online features at least match Microsoft's Xbox Live service. Meanwhile, Sony's instant-messaging and VOIP device, called Mylo, is now winning praise from the likes of VOIP blogger Andy Abramson for smartly bundling a year of free T-Mobile Wi-Fi service. (Mylo had been dinged for only working with Wi-Fi hotspots, not high-speed cell-phone networks). And the Sony Reader, though still considered overpriced at $350, is getting good reviews from the ink-and-paper crowd.
Now if only Sony could deliver a music player that's worth buying, we'd say Howard Stringer has a shot at delivering on his promise of "champion products."
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