Banned in America: The coolest tech gadgets
Every year, Business 2.0 profiles readers' favorite gadgets that aren't sold in the U.S. But that raises an interesting question: Why aren't these ultracool devices sold in the world's biggest and arguably most tech-voracious market? NewsFactor looked into the matter and found several reasons why U.S. gadgeteers are deprived.

First, the beta factor: Overseas manufacturers like to test products in their smaller, local markets so they can shake out bugs and gauge consumer reactions before dropping subpar gadgets on the huge U.S. market. Then there's the wireless-network problem: U.S. wireless-data networks aren't as robust as those in, say, South Korea and Japan. That makes some video-enabled cell phones and handhelds less useful here than abroad. As wireless networks here mature, we'll see more of those gadgets hit our shores. And then there's U.S. regulation: The FCC requires extensive disclosures on any wireless devices, which invariably get leaked all over the Web.
Posted by Owen Thomas 11:45 AM 0 Comments comment | Add a Comment

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