Going gaga for LaLa
Here's an idea so crazy that, to borrow from Blazing Saddles, it might just work: got used CDs you don't listen to anymore? Now you can swap them with strangers for CDs that you might like. At least that's the gist of LaLa, a hybrid Web-meets-snail-mail service that hopes to be the used records story of the 21st century. Nate Anderson goes "gaga for LaLa" in a write-up on Ars Technica:
The premise is a simple one: each user lists the CDs that they are willing to trade, then creates another list of CDs that they want. Each time that someone ships out a CD he requested by someone else, he gets one from his "want list" in return. Lala acts as the middleman, taking $1 for each trade and charging another 75 cents for shipping.We know what you're thinking: CDs are dead, and this is simply a curiosity shop for a bunch of baby-boom music nuts. Perhaps, but The Browser senses that there's more to this sort of thing than meets the eye. In an age of DRM, those unrestricted CDs are nice to have. And who's to say the only things fit for peer-to-peer swapping are CDs? Does LaLa's Web 2.0 community spirit offer any advantages over today's commercialized eBay? We're just saying....
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