Another Boeing laptop takes flight
Note to anyone carrying a laptop around with several hundred thousand of your colleagues' social security numbers: Don't leave it in your car.
Boeing has sheepishly admitted that a company laptop loaded up with personal information on 382,000 current and former employees went missing from its owner's car in the first week of December. Happy Holidays comrades! To make matters worse, the Seattle Post Intelligencer notes that this is the fourth incidence of a laptop laden with personal employee information disappearing at the aerospace giant this year. Doh! Not that they're alone. Remember the HP-Fidelity fiasco last March? The good news is that no misuse of the stolen identity information has yet been reported. Still, The Browser hates to be reminded of the inevitability of human error, particularly by the people who make important things like wings and landing gear. Why are these boeing people getting paid to be dumb?
This is amazing to me. What are these companies doing that they need this person information on a laptop? I guess there needs to be some regulations for where personal records information can be kept by companies. However, truth be told, there shouldn't have be regulations put in place for not having employee information on a laptop. It really is a matter of common sense. Sad thing is the person or people responsible will probably get a promotion, while other get their identity taken.
: 2:26 PM That person was dismissed. I agree that there should not be any personal data in laptop or any transferrable hardware.
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