23,602 restaurants in the naked city
Sometimes with Web 2.0 it's hard to tell the difference between the very, very cool and the utterly insane. If you're a New Yorker, or planning on visiting New York, you might get a kick out of this amazing map, courtesy of the good people at Urban Spoon. We're not sure it's ultimately all that useful to have a map of every single restaurant in the five boroughs. But it is fun to play with.
I think it's a great idea! I recently was on 4-5 day trip with friends. One of the couples in our group decided. It would be a good idea to map out all of the great restaurants in the city. So on our trip we could decide which restaurants we would try while there. It was great. We ate a different place each day. Great idea for frequent travlers. In fact an even better idea would be if we could share our dining experience with others who have used the map.
: 6:46 PM ![]()
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