Typical cost: $25,200
Compared to: Toyota Camry XLE 4-cylinder
Hybrid cost premium: $1,381.46 (Based on Edmunds.com "True Market Value." No tax credits are available on Toyota vehicles.)
Overall mpg vs. non-hybrid: 33.7 vs. 27.6
Annual fuel saved: $303 (98 gallons)
The equipment level on the Toyota Camry Hybrid makes it most similar to the upper-level 4-cylinder version. That helps, because that means the Camry Hybrid gets compared to a more expensive car. That makes the Camry Hybrid a much better deal than if it were stripped-down version.
What makes this car's value all the more remarkable is that this calculation doesn't involve a tax credit. There are no tax credits available on Toyota products, anymore.
AOL Autos: Vehicle details