3 Stars
Weight: 5 lb.
Dimensions: 17 by 12 by 4 in.
$150; www.matias.ca
PROS James Bond would love the Matias. The aluminum skin gleams like an Aston Martin and can protect your laptop as well as anything devised by Q. Customizable padding offers a snug fit for slim notebooks. Three deep bellows pockets house basic peripherals, and three separate pockets support file folders. Locking latches, which open and close with one hand, work with a satisfying click.
CONS Not even 007 would want to lug this baby around for too long at a stretch. Another reason to pack light: Since the aluminum doesn't give, the Matias can be hard to close when stuffed full.
BUY THIS ONE IF ... You're an agent provocateur whose bag is apt to take a beating.