10 green giants

These companies have gone beyond what the law requires to operate in an environmentally responsible way.

The Adams family of New Jersey - Kimberly, Eric and young Alice - are attached to their Civic GX natural gas vehicle, which they can refuel at home with Phill by FuelMaker.
Location: Japan
Year founded: 1945
Revenue: $84.2 Billion
Employees: 145,000
The most fuel-efficient auto company in the U.S.

While other automakers gripe, Honda attacks the issues of fuel economy and emissions with relish. Working independently, it is focusing on two alternative fuel technologies, the natural gas powered "Civic GX" and the hydrogen fuel cell "FCX." Honda has also taken a crack at solving a problem other automakers have left to the oil companies: creating an infrastructure for hydrogen. Honda's solution is for individual refueling stations that provide heat and electricity for the home as well as hydrogen for a fuel-cell-powered car. Long term, Honda wants to be the world's cleanest, most efficient manufacturer. It has promised to reduce CO2 emissions from its factories as well as its vehicles by 5 percent between 2005 and 2010 - on top of the 5 percent it achieved between 2000 and 2005. --Alex Taylor III







S.C. Johnson
Sources: Department of Energy; Eia; Ceres; Aron Cramer; Business for Social Responsibility; Dan Esty; Jonathan Lash, World Resources Institute; Matthew Kiernan, Innovest Strategic Value Advisors; Fred Krupp, Environmental Defense; Joel Makower, Greener World Media; Kld Research; Natural Resources Defense Council; Glen Pricket, Conservation International; Andrew Savitz
The Governator's green agenda When Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in 2003, the environment was not high on his agenda. Now it is. That matters, because where California goes, the rest of the country just may follow. (more)
And when the icecaps do melt... Global warming = less ice = more water = surf's up! Patagonia's new high-tech wetsuit is just the latest milestone in a long history of eco-friendly innovations. (more)
Blueprint for green business The story of how Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard took his passion for the outdoors and turned it into an amazing business. (more)

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