B-schools with entrepreneurial flair

These MBA programs blend real-world small-business know-how with top academics.

University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Tuition: $41,950

Why we chose it: Wharton began teaching entrepreneurship in 1973, and its program has continued to evolve. "Building fast-growth businesses is clearly a focus here," says Emily Cieri, managing director of Wharton's entrepreneurial programs. The Wharton Venture Initiation Program provides aspiring student entrepreneurs with a small amount of funding and mentoring by a faculty advisor. The school's Entrepreneurship Club attracts more than 500 entrepreneurs and educators from across the nation to its annual conference. The club also stages a high-powered business plan competition each year and organizes Entrepreneurs Anonymous meetings, where students bounce ideas off each over a pizza dinner.

Also appears in:  Executives | Undergrads

Notable entrepreneurial alumni:
• Farhad Mohit, Co-founder, BizRate (now Shopzilla), Graduated 1996
University of Maryland

University of Michigan

UNC Chapel Hill

University of Pennsylvania

University of Southern California

University of Texas at Austin

University of Washington
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