School name: University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Business Administration
Team members: Amir Bastawrous, Michael McCoy, Matthew Norris
Concept: For centuries, physicians have used stethoscopes to eavesdrop on the body's internal sounds. But auscultation, as the procedure is called, is both labor intensive and highly subjective. HeartSounds' patented PATCH system (Passive Auscultation Technology to determine Cardiovascular Health) is designed to provide a more accurate reading of the patient's internal soundscape.
Developed by Dr. Roland Priemer at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the technology detects heart murmurs and specific abnormalities, as well as fetal heart sounds. PATCH also records, transmits, archives and performs diagnostic analysis of internal sound data. The company will initially develop the FetalPATCH, a wireless, digital fetal heart monitor designed to monitor each fetus in a multiple gestation pregnancy.
Timeline: The company plans to start selling the FetalPATCH within about two years. - Emily Maltby
NEXT: 7th place: A new drug for alcoholics