Eric with his wife, Janet, and daughter, Alexandra
We built a new home in August 2007 and we rent our last home. We have two car payments as well. However, we have saved enough to last us for quite a while because we planned ahead, knowing the economy takes dips repeatedly.
We decided in the good times to take responsibility and understand what could be coming, knowing that wouldn't last either. We have chosen to not take on new car payments we couldn't afford if a downturn were to take effect and to not have more children we couldn't take care of if the same were to happen.
The economy currently is helping me appreciate the choices I made in the past and appreciate what I have now, which doesn't include a plasma TV or any credit card debt.
I worry about the future and about one of us losing a job, but instead of worrying about how we would eat if that happens, I worry about if it will set us back in our retirement plans and the plans for our child's college education.
NEXT: Robin Goolsby: No problem here