Angela with her husband, Jason
My husband and I live in Plano, Texas, and we are doing just fine. We had an ARM loan that was set to reset in 2010 but refinanced when the rates dropped last month because I was concerned about rising rates, inflation and the economy.
We don't live in a "McMansion" but in a nice modest, one-story home with our three children that's only slightly bigger than the ones we grew up in when we were young. I'm not ashamed to admit we are still in our first house but we love it here!
We have cut back our spending a lot and especially our driving. We are using our rebate check to get out of debt and will be free of credit-card debt before summer. We own both our vehicles and are still putting money away in our retirement accounts and our savings accounts. I am grateful for my husband's job and that we have managed to learn to live off of one salary so I can stay home with our children.
NEXT: Lisa McClellan: Trying to hold it together