Make the most of your photos
Summer's over, and your PC is chock-full of new vacation pics. We've rounded up the smartest ways to share the good times -- without spending a bundle.
Remember when the whole family crowded around the slide projector to see your blurry vacation slides? Copy photos (or videos) to a thumb drive or SD card, and you can have the same experience -- minus the poor visuals -- via your high-def TV.
If your tv was made in or after 2007: Look for a USB port or card slot in the back of your set; many newer TVs have them. If yours does, just plug in a flash drive or an SD card; the TV should open a menu giving you access to the disk files, which you can control for viewing via the TV's remote.
If your TV was made before 2007: Buy the Samsung 1080P9 DVD Player ($70). It has a USB port and will read the contents of your thumb drive as a slide show. Plus, the player "up-converts" DVD movies to a sharper look -- though not the high definition of a Blu-ray player.
NEXT: Frame
If your tv was made in or after 2007: Look for a USB port or card slot in the back of your set; many newer TVs have them. If yours does, just plug in a flash drive or an SD card; the TV should open a menu giving you access to the disk files, which you can control for viewing via the TV's remote.
If your TV was made before 2007: Buy the Samsung 1080P9 DVD Player ($70). It has a USB port and will read the contents of your thumb drive as a slide show. Plus, the player "up-converts" DVD movies to a sharper look -- though not the high definition of a Blu-ray player.
NEXT: Frame