Gifted and talented

Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People
By Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones
Harvard Business Press, 208 pages, $26
By Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones
Harvard Business Press, 208 pages, $26
Clever people are brilliant but also needy. In other words, they're crucial to your organization, but your organization is also crucial to them -- even though they may fervently wish it weren't. That's their essential problem: They want to focus solely on what they do, but need the shelter of your business in order to do it.
Fortunately, you can build on that dynamic to retain the best and the brightest. The goal of this fluent, engaging book is to help you make your company more useful to your most talented employees. It's a topic that entrepreneurs will appreciate, given that most are pretty clever in their own right.
NEXT: Setting the pace
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