Linville Architects
I moved to Madison in the 70's because it was, and still is, a progressive community. Exploratory, entrepreneurial thinking is welcome here.
My first five years I worked for another firm. Then I started Linville Architects in 1981, doing residential and commercial design. It's interesting to consider the parallels economically between that time and now. I might not have pursued my own business if there'd been other employment.
My first office was in the corner of someone else's office. I think I paid $50 a month. You can still do that here: start with the proverbial shoestring.
Madison offers a very social environment. It's an extremely hospitable climate and there's a great deal of support and information through the University and state. It's easy to get out there and get to know people through a sort of casual networking -- nothing aggressive, but lots of word of mouth. It's a great way to start a business. -Sara Pepitone
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