JesusHatesObama: Richard Belfry, co-founder of a web site that sells clothing and mugs with his inflammatory message, says he's just trying to be funny and "outrageous."
The ad: His company's commercial uses bobble-head figures to represent Jesus and President Obama. the Obama figure ends up submerged in a fish bowl. "I just like to poke fun at some of the things going on in Washington," said Belfry, who describes himself as a "conservative comedian."
Why it was rejected: Fox failed to see the humor and rejected the spot for Super Bowl 2011. Fox spokesman Lou D'Ermilio wouldn't say specifically why his network rejected the ad. Jesushatesobama provided a copy of Fox's rejection email to CNNMoney, which said the "spot does not conform to network standards, so we will not be able to accept it."
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Last updated January 25 2011: 3:42 PM ET