Parker only spends a dollar on each of her favorite on-the-go meals.
Name: Shelley Parker
Hometown: Portland, Ore.
When I'm on the go or short on time, fast food dollar menus kill a lot of birds with one stone -- they're quick and convenient and can actually be relatively healthy.
I'll special order it and exclude the fatty add-ons. I like that the portion is smaller and not a big 'ol gut-bomb meal.
Some of my favorites are Sonic Jr.'s breakfast burrito (sans sausage), Wendy's baked potato with chili, or a Whopper Jr. (sans cheese and mayo).
I'm self-employed so I'm always out and about driving around. Usually when you do things on impulse and don't plan you make bad choices -- so I could end up spending $8 to $10 on any given meal. But with these dollar menus, you know exactly what you're getting -- and it costs a dollar.
I could skip a week, or maybe do it a couple times a week. Over the course of a year, I probably save more than $300.
NEXT: I became `quasi-Amish'