Average total pay: $156,508
For: Software Engineer*Best companies rank: 89
Employee ownership is a cornerstone at Brocade: All new employees get restricted stock on their hire date; later, they can receive shares based on performance. Managers and peers award spot bonus "Kudos" to high-performing employees, up to $2,000.
Tied into the business goals of this data management services and Ethernet switch provider is a drive to help society. Through one of its philanthropic initiatives, Brocade partners with local elementary and high schools to help boost students' interest in math and science.
Meanwhile, Brocade employees can take career-related classes and get tuition reimbursed up to $5,250 a year. Those in its finance and operations departments can broaden their skills via a job rotation program.
NEXT: Boston Consulting Group
Last updated January 26 2011: 2:26 PM ET
*Most common salaried job