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Stuck in a part-time job

Americans are working fewer hours, partly due to the rise in part-time jobs. These people want full-time work, but can only find part-time gigs.

'Less than $1 cash to my name'

  • Name: Geneva Wilson

I work at a small public library, usually three days a week. There are no other jobs around here unless you want to be a truck driver or a nurse.

I refuse to go back to school for yet another degree because I already have two (anthropology and forensic science) and can't find a job in either. I have over $80,000 in student loans that I can't pay. My preferred career at this point would be as a small farm/homestead selling produce and eggs.

Last year I tried to sell my house so I could move closer to a better job market but no one wants to purchase a home that really needs to be torn down. I have no savings, no retirement plan or any of that other good stuff. At this very moment, I have less than $1 cash to my name, no checking account and $0 in food stamps. I am just flat out stuck.

  @hargreavesCNN - Last updated September 03 2013 03:55 PM ET

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