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What I did after losing my job

Frustrated with their job searches these workers decided to stop looking for traditional jobs. Some retired, while others are reinventing themselves.

Savoring life, but ready for steady income

  • Name: K.K. Kua
  • Age: 40
  • Industry: Advertising

K.K. Kua lost his job at an advertising company in December 2012 and took advantage of his 2.5 month severance package and time off to help a close friend struggling with cancer in Malaysia. When she died last September, Kua decided he needed to experience some adventures in life. He chose part-time freelance advertising work to have the flexibility to do things like get a motorcycle license and travel internationally, including hitting major tennis tournaments like the U.S. Open and Wimbledon in what he calls his "40-Love Tennis Tour." "I'm not ready for full retirement, and my bucket list is almost empty, so I need to think about my next step ... probably something in media or advertising with more predictable income."

  @jenliberto - Last updated August 08 2014 03:42 PM ET

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