Rank: 24 (Previous rank: 13) What makes it so great?
Support staff at law firms are often ignored, but here they join task forces with lawyers and meet regularly to discuss operations, which the firm says "creates opportunities for all our staff members to make contributions."
Headquarters: One Atlantic Center 1201 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30309
2010 revenue ($ millions): 571Website: www.alston.com |
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Company size | Large | Small | Ignore |
Number of women | High | Low | Ignore |
Ethnically diverse | Yes | No | Ignore |
Extra training | Yes | No | Ignore |
Job growth | Yes | No | Ignore |
Low turnover | Yes | No | Ignore |
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How it works |
Company | Avg. annual pay |
Southern Ohio Medical Center | $490,647 |
Bingham McCutchen | $228,851 |
Alston & Bird | $201,233 |
Company | Job growth % |
Zappos.com | 70% |
Salesforce.com | 39% |
Rackspace Hosting | 37% |
State | No. of top employers |
California | 18 |
Texas | 11 |
New York | 10 |