Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

Revenues Profits
Rank Company Fortune 500 rank $ millions % change from 2008 $ millions % change from 2008
1 AT&T 7 123,018.0 -0.8 12,535.0 -2.6
2 Verizon Communications 13 107,808.0 10.7 3,651.0 -43.2
3 Comcast 59 35,756.0 4.4 3,638.0 42.8
4 Sprint Nextel 67 32,260.0 -9.5 -2,436.0 N.A.
5 DirecTV Group 116 21,565.0 9.5 942.0 -38.1
6 Time Warner Cable 131 17,868.0 N.A. 1,070.0 N.A.
7 Qwest Communications 188 12,311.0 -8.6 662.0 -2.8
8 DISH Network 200 11,664.2 0.4 635.5 -29.6
9 Liberty Global 210 11,110.4 5.2 -412.1 N.A.
10 Cablevision Systems 292 7,773.3 7.5 285.6 N.A.
11 Charter Communications 332 6,755.0 4.3 N.A. N.A.
12 Virgin Media 359 6,013.6 -19.2 -559.8 N.A.
13 Telephone & Data Systems 416 5,020.7 -1.4 193.9 107.3
14 CenturyTel 423 4,974.2 91.3 647.2 77.0
15 NII Holdings 468 4,397.6 3.0 381.5 3.4
Rank Company Revenues % Assets % Stockholders'
Equity %
1 AT&T 10.2 4.7 12.3
2 Verizon Communications 3.4 1.6 8.8
3 Comcast 10.2 3.2 8.5
4 Sprint Nextel -7.6 -4.4 -13.5
5 DirecTV Group 4.4 5.2 32.4
6 Time Warner Cable 6.0 2.4 12.3
7 Qwest Communications 5.4 3.2 N.A.
8 DISH Network 5.4 7.7 N.A.
9 Liberty Global -3.7 -1.0 -13.2
10 Cablevision Systems 3.7 3.1 N.A.
11 Charter Communications N.A. N.A. N.A.
12 Virgin Media -9.3 -3.8 -23.2
13 Telephone & Data Systems 3.9 2.5 5.1
14 CenturyTel 13.0 2.9 6.8
15 NII Holdings 8.7 5.0 13.9
Earnings Per Share Total Return to Investors Employees
Rank Company 1999-2009 Annual growth (%) 1999-2009 Annual rate (%) 2009 (%) Number % change from 2008
1 AT&T -1.1 -1.6 4.8 282,720 -6.6
2 Verizon Communications -6.9 -1.5 3.8 222,927 -0.4
3 Comcast 3.8 -5.9 1.6 107,000 7.0
4 Sprint Nextel N.A. -23.3 100.0 40,000 -28.8
5 DirecTV Group N.A. N.A. 45.6 22,550 19.0
6 Time Warner Cable N.A. N.A. N.A. 46,300 N.A.
7 Qwest Communications -4.5 -19.4 25.8 30,138 -8.5
8 DISH Network N.A. -6.0 105.2 24,500 -5.8
9 Liberty Global N.A. N.A. 37.5 23,000 3.1
10 Cablevision Systems N.A. -4.5 56.6 22,368 0.5
11 Charter Communications N.A. N.A. N.A. 16,700 0.6
12 Virgin Media N.A. N.A. 243.2 12,201 -12.8
13 Telephone & Data Systems -7.0 -5.4 8.4 12,400 -0.8
14 CenturyTel 6.6 -0.6 44.7 20,200 210.8
15 NII Holdings N.A. N.A. 84.7 13,673 11.2
Issue date: May 3, 2010.
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Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
California 57
Texas 57
New York 56
Company 2009 $ (millions)
Exxon Mobil $19,280.0
Microsoft $14,569.0
Wal-Mart Stores $14,335.0
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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