Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

And the winners are...
Wal-Mart knocks Exxon Mobil out of the top slot to rule the Fortune 500 again. See the full list of America's largest corporations, including detailed company profiles and contact information. More
  1. Wal-Mart Stores
  2. Exxon Mobil
  3. Chevron
  4. General Electric
  5. Bank of America
  1. ConocoPhillips
  2. AT&T
  3. Ford Motor
  4. J.P. Morgan Chase
  5. Hewlett-Packard

They're hiring! These 20 employers have more than 60,000 job openings between them. What are they looking for in a new hire? More
20 biggest winners Fortune 500 earnings soared, despite a seemingly feeble recovery. See who reaped the biggest profits. More
Fortune 500: A changing landscape America's largest companies are the building blocks of the U.S. economy. See how revenues and profits at the top 25 rise and fall each year of the decade. more

Play the Fortune 500 Jeopardy! game
On May 19, TV's Jeopardy! featured a category of Fortune 500 clues. Try our online version's extra questions. How well will you score? more
Women CEOs
Ursula Burns, Xerox's new chief, is one of just 15 women leading Fortune 500 firms. Who else made the list? more
The directors
From Southwest to Starbucks, Fortune takes you inside six boardrooms at the heart of the U.S. economy. More
FORTUNE 500 in your state
Texas and California are home to the most companies on this year's list. See the biggest corporations near you. more
• Texas
• New York
• California
• See the rest
Compare companies
See how one Fortune 500 corporation stacks up against others. More
Profits bounce back
This year's companies slashed costs so fast and so deeply -- especially labor -- that despite the challenges, their earnings soared. More
Can Ellen Kullman make DuPont great again?
The storied company has made everything from nylon to Kevlar. It won't be easy to recapture its former glory. By Carol Loomis More
Which Fortune 500 company has done the best job of coming out of the recession?
  • Wal-Mart
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Chevron
  • GE
  • Bank of America
Find your top companies
 High revenue growth  High profit growth
 High EPS growth  High return to investors
 Top 5 in its industry  Best company to work for
 Big employer  Small employer

Video (1 of 5)

Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
California 57
Texas 57
New York 56
Company 2009 $ (millions)
Exxon Mobil $19,280.0
Microsoft $14,569.0
Wal-Mart Stores $14,335.0
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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