Our annual ranking of America's largest corporations

3 of 500
3. Chevron
Financials: Latest Results
Rank: 3 (Previous rank: 3)
CEO: John S. Watson
Was this company a 2011 top stock?

Chevron ended 2011 on a sour note: Despite rising oil prices, the company posted its biggest profit decline in two years, largely due to losses at its U.S. refinery business. Still, the second-largest oil and gas company in the U.S. managed to post a 25% increase in revenues during the full year, to $245.6 billion, and an impressive 41% jump in profits, to $26.9 billion. Chevron is spending heavily on oil and gas projects in places like Australia, Africa, and the Gulf of Mexico -- projects that are expected to start paying off in 2014.

Chevron also continues to keep its lawyers gainfully employed. In addition to multiple ongoing legal battles, including a longstanding one in Ecuador, Chevron is now fighting an $11 billion suit brought against it for an oil spill late last year in Brazil. It's also still cleaning up after a natural gas rig in Nigeria exploded earlier this year.

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Key financials $ millions % change
from 2010
Revenues 245,621.0 25.1
Profits 26,895.0 41.4
Assets 209,474.0
Stockholders' equity 121,382.0
Market value (3/29/2012) 211,238.9
Profits as % of  
Revenues 10.9
Assets 12.8
Stockholders' equity 22.2
Earnings per share  
2011 $ 13.44
% change from 2010 41.8
2001-2011 annual growth rate % 24.2
Total return to investors %
2011 20.3
2001-2011 annual rate 12.7
Rank Company 500
($ millions)
1 Exxon Mobil 1 452,926.0
2 Chevron 3 245,621.0
3 ConocoPhillips 4 237,272.0
4 Valero Energy 12 125,095.0
5 Marathon Petroleum 31 73,645.0
6 Sunoco 61 45,765.0
7 Hess 74 37,871.0
8 Murphy Oil 98 31,446.3
9 Tesoro 101 29,927.0
10 HollyFrontier 170 15,439.5
11 Western Refining 285 9,071.0
12 CVR Energy 477 5,029.1
Issue date: May 21, 2012
Excise taxes have been deducted.
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6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd.
San Ramon, CA 94583
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Fortune 500+
Want more on America's top companies? Get data on the full Fortune 1,000 list here. Fortune 500+

Rank # of Fortune 500 Companies
California 53
Texas 52
New York 50
Company Rank
Google 73
NetApp 474
NuStar Energy 377
Company 2011 $ (millions)
Exxon $41,060.0
Chevron $26,895.0
Apple $25,922.0
FAQ and methodology
Included in the survey are U.S. incorporated companies filing financial statements with a government agency. This includes private companies... More
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