Kenosha, WI
Population: 95,033
Compare Kenosha to Top 10 Best Places
  City stats Best places average
Median family income
(per year)
$56,556 $76,893
Family purchasing power
(annual, cost-of-living adjusted)
$59,848 $68,109
Sales tax 5.50% 6.55%
State income tax rate
(highest bracket)
6.75%* 6.46%
State income tax rate
(lowest bracket)
4.60%* 2.74%
Auto insurance premiums
(Average for the state)
$1,768 $2,207
Job growth %
7.17% 10.97%
  City stats Best places average
Median home price $167,500 $259,566
Home price gain
9.50% 9.26%
  City stats Best places average
Colleges, universities and
professional schools
4 8
Junior colleges and
technical institutes
1 0
Test scores reading
(% +/- state average)
-7.2% 13.3%
Test scores math
(% +/- state average)
-10.1% 16.9%
% students attending
public/private schools
86.0/14.00 88.4/11.59
Quality of life
  City stats Best places average
Air quality index
(% of days AQI ranked as good)
68.6% 71.9%
Personal crime risk
(100 is nat'l average; lower is better)
63 45
Property crime risk
(100 is nat'l average; lower is better)
82 74
Personal crime incidents
(per 100,000)
229 228
Property crime incidents
(per 100,000)
3,066 3,105
Median commute time
(in minutes)
17.3 20.8
% population with commute
45 mins. or longer
15.3% 13.4%
Leisure and culture
  City stats Best places average
Movie theaters
(within 15 miles)
8 22
(within 15 miles)
920 2,268
(within 15 miles)
201 127
Public golf courses
(within 30 miles)
94 74
(within 15 miles)
16 43
Museums (accredited by AAM
within 30 miles)
3 7
Ski resorts (within 100 miles) 15 10
  City stats Best places average
Annual precipitation
34.74 36.00
Clear days 90 107
High temp in July ° F 78.7° 87.7°
Low temp in Jan ° F 13.2° 23.5°
  City stats Best places average
Has health plan
(% of residents)
84.2% 88.2%
Body mass index
(avg. for residents)
28 27
Cancer mortality
(per 100,000, age-adjusted)
216.3 191.3
Cardiac mortality
(per 100,000)
249.8 202.0
Meet the neighbors
  City stats Best places average
Median age 33.7 34.5
Completed at least some college
(% of residents)
51.8% 63.9%
Married 48.1% 54.3%
Divorced 11.6% 9.3%
Amount spent on vacations
(domestic and foreign, household avg. per year)
$6,198 $7,549
*County data
Income tax notes:
The tax brackets reported are for single individuals. For married taxpayers, the same rates apply to income brackets ranging from $11,780 to $176,770. An additional $250 exemption is provided for each taxpayer or spouse age 65 or over.
Data: OnBoard, FORTUNE. Details
Wisconsin companies
FORTUNE: Best to work for
Company Best Companies
2006 Rank
S.C. Johnson & Son 10
Robert W. Baird & Company 31
Quad/Graphics 75
See the rest
Company F500 rank
Johnson Controls 75
Northwestern Mutual 116
Manpower 136
See the rest
Biggest employers
Company Employees
Trane 26,200
University Of Wisconsin Hospital And Clinics 5,000
Western Power Products Inc 4,269
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On Board LLC
Information powered by OnBoard LLC
Some data may be provided courtesy of its partners.

Additional data and consulting services provided by Bert Sperling's
Top earning cities
  Median household income
Greenwich, CT $112,493
Cupertino, CA $110,518
San Ramon, CA $109,500
See the rest
Hottest cities
  Avg. high temp
in July (°F)
Avondale, AZ 107.6°F
Glendale, AZ 107.6°F
Peoria, AZ 107.6°F
See the rest
Priciest homes
  Median price
Newport Beach, CA $1,362,500
Greenwich, CT $1,129,000
Santa Barbara, CA $979,500
See the rest
Most educated
  % residents with
graduate degrees
Arlington, VA 35.7%
Davis, CA 34.6%
Brookline, MA 32.5%
See the rest
Most singles
  % single residents
Bloomington, IN 58.2%
New Brunswick, NJ 54.6%
College Station, TX 54.3%
See the rest
  Median age
Jacksonville, NC 22.90
Provo, UT 23.28
New Brunswick, NJ 24.16
See the rest

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